Rosa Mystica



This offering explores the medicine and mysteries associated with Rose. The medicine of Rose is deep heart and spirit medicine. The mysteries of Rose are connected deeply to the Divine Feminine. We will discuss how to work with the botanical magic of Rose in both medicinal and devotional ways, explore the mystical symbolism and spiritual archetypes of the Rose, and connect with Rose through a rosewater blessing, meditation, and tea ceremony.


Nuit Moore is a multi-media ritual artist, Wise Woman tradition healer & herbalist, and ecofeminist activist, whose work over the past 35 years has served the return of the Divine Feminine to the collective consciousness. Specializing in the fusion of visual and performance arts with healing and ceremonial arts, women’s empowerment, and the bridging of the ancient with the future, Nuit’s writing and art has appeared in numerous publications, anthologies, and exhibitions. In 2010, she founded the Ishtar Noir Temple Liminal, which was a ritual theater collective that employed movement, sound, rhythm, fire, and mythos to create sacred spaces of liminal experience for the participants. Currently, Nuit is connecting deeply with her Ancestral Mothers, and directing her focus as a creatrix, healer, and priestess towards an evolving, expanded community-based service to humanity and to Mother Earth. In addition to presenting, she will also have a Marketplace booth which will offer her herbals, sacred adornment jewelry, and ceremonial art.

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