Workshops & Speakers


Growing Fruit Holistically

Growing Fruit Holistically

Learn the many types of berries that you can grow, what common berries to start with, the specific cultural techniques...

The Art of Live Looping

The Art of Live Looping

Live looping performance has become more and more popular with many different looping effect pedals currently on the...

Soil Savvy

Soil Savvy

Learn the basics of soil testing from a whole systems perspective. We will discuss the overarching tenets of soil...

What is this & Can I eat it?

What is this & Can I eat it?

This workshop will focus on the most highly prized and sought-after species of wild edible mushrooms that are native...

Herd Hike

Herd Hike

Ben will lead his annual herd hike where we will walk through the farm to the cows while he edifies us in the subtle...

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