The Mandala of Truth: A Community Ritual of Healing and Transformation Using the Native Clay of the Land

Healing Activities

The Mandala of Truth: A Community Ritual of Healing and Transformation Using the Native Clay of the Land

Beatriz Gutiérrez González

Clay connects us with our inner and outer landscape. We will explore our sense of touch using the native clay of the land with the intention of honoring our pain for the world. We will create a mandala in a community ritual to voice or hold in silence our deepest truths as a prayer for healing and transformation.

This class is based in the teachings of Joana Macy an environmental activist, author and scholar of Buddhism that I met while she visited the Findhorn Community in Scotland during my time there (2006-2010). Her book “World as lover, world as self” deeply moved me. I am merging my love for clay and the truth mandala for my annual offering to the Mountain Run Jam. All ages are welcome.

Teacher Bio:

Beatriz Gutiérrez González grew up in the island of Tenerife, Spain. Her journey with clay began in Scotland at age 28 and continued when she moved to America to study at Penland School of Crafts in 2010.

In 2018 she built a wood kiln at her home in the Blue Ridge Mountains in Bedford County, Virginia.  Her work is available at her studio.

“Being in relation with clay is one of the most primal experiences, a connection to the literal foundation of all things. In my long walks around the woods where I live in Virginia, I see the surfaces of my pots reflected. Each piece is touched with feelings of nostalgia for my homeland. My work is functional and is fired in a wood kiln."