Beyond Organic: Plant & Soil Health


Workshop Description

Learn how to push plants to rebuild the soil microbiome, how biology has more impact than chemistry for soil and plant health. 


Dan was raised on an organic homestead in Pennsylvania. He was immersed in alternative ideas by parents that were 30 years ahead of the times. He has lived in central VA for last 6 years. With 60 years organic horticulture experience he can grow most anything. He has worked with backyard and small farm fruit growing for 45 years. Worked at Edible Landscaping Nursery for 5 years. “I have largely shifted my awareness in last 3 years to a new paradigm of regenerating the biological system. Its now from the sun down via photosynthesis rather than from the traditional organic view of from the soil up.” Currently he is doing some small scale fruit growing and vegetable gardening, as well as consulting. All the while constantly learning and incorporating new knowledge.

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